19 May 2012

Do your website and social media profile photos need a reality check?

This month Publish my Web spoke with commercial web photographer Julissa Shrewsbury from New Work Photography. Julissa has provided us a list of common online photo mistakes and tips on how to put your best face forward!...

Category : Web Marketing

21 Mar 2012

The effort/reward equation: do you have it right?

Is clicking through to your website worth my time? If I give you that personal information, what do I get in return? Is the price you are offering good enough for me to create yet another account? These are the types of questions your customers will be considering in relation to your online business. I call it the effort/reward equation. Quite simply, the effort/reward equation is the subconscious determination of whether the effort required (user input) is worth the reward on offer (the product or service you are presenting)....

Category : Web Marketing

29 Feb 2012

Maximising sign-ups - Some help from Behavioural Economics

In this article we take a look at a critically important part of your website - sign-up pages. We have teamed up with behavioural economics expert Bri Williams to apply the science of behaviour and influence to website design. Bri takes us on a tour of the behavioural principles used to maximise sign-ups by big online players such as facebook and amazon. We apply the behavioural principles of following the herd, status-quo bias, impulsivity and loss aversion to maximising sign-ups. If these terms are new to you, read on to learn more about this vital and emerging field - essential knowledge for every business owner!...

Category : Web Marketing

16 Feb 2012

Internet Usage Statistics

Internet Usage Statistics in December 2012 - most popular websites in Australia....

Category : Web Marketing

12 Dec 2011

Creating an online offer that converts in seconds

In this article we lead you through the process of creating and delivering a great offer on your website, with the goal of converting new leads and building your email database. The most important rule to follow is to keep it simple. Make the offer easy to understand, free of conditions and generous (ideally free!). Securing an email address and permission for future contact should always be the basis of any website offer....

Category : Web Marketing

11 Aug 2011

How to test a new business idea for free (and fast!)

For many entrepreneurs uncovering a new product, business model or innovation is one of the most exciting things about being in business. This excitement often leads to the over-commitment of resources, time and money on untested ideas. With the Internet, market research no longer needs to be expensive. The search engines are an incredible tool to help us identify trends, interests and profile new business ideas with ease....

Category : Web Marketing