Unique Pageviews

Total number of views of web-pages on the website.

Unique Visitors 

Total visitors to the website.


A session is recorded for any interaction a user has had with your website during a 30- minute period.  The user's session restarts after 30 minutes.  Sessions are useful in measuring active users on your website.

Visits by Traffic type

Paid - Visits from adverts from google ads, facebook, etc.

Organic - A visit from free search results, such as google.

Direct - Direct visits to your website, examples being visits from users typing in the web address into their browser, or a click from an email signature.

Referral - The visitor clicked on a link to your website, from another website (the referrer).

Bounce Rate

A bounce is recorded if a visitor only views a single page on your website.
A high bounce rate is usually considered to be bad.  A bounce rate over 60% usually requires investigation.

Visits and average time on page by landing page

A landing page is the first page a user arrives on at your website.
This section shows which landing pages receive the most sessions and the average time of the user on the web-page. 

Pageviews by page

This section shows a break down of visits from other websites, including search engines and social media.

Unique visitors and time on page by browser

This section shows percentage of visitors are using which browser. This is important so one knows which browsers to optimise and test the website for.

Organic Searches by Source

This section shows the percentage of visits to your web-page from free (organic) search engines, such as google, bing, yahoo, etc.

Visits and visit duration by region

This section shows the regions your website visitors are located in, and the average time they spend on the website.