Publish My Web offers advanced website performance monitoring.

To measure and optimise website performance, it is important to first define goals, paths and conversions. A conversion may be defined as completion of a call to action on your website. We define custom conversions for your given site, which may include a successful sale, subscription, completion of an enquiry form or visit to a particular page of your website. This involves a process of tracking and gathering information about visitors, including the keywords or search terms they used to find your website.This information can be presented in various report formats for internal in your business.

Key Performance Metrics

Publish My Web can help you set Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for your website to measure its effectiveness over time, such as total sales per week or number of turnovers per week. With this goal or KPI in mind, we can work with you over time to optimise the conversion rate of your website.


With deep data on your users, you make better decisions on how to market and optimise your website and online sales channel. For example, if the top keywords for your business have been determined, you can then update your website's content by adding these keywords across the main pages to improve search engine rankings. Or if we determine that a particular product page is popular among your visitors, we can take the necessary steps to promote this site more aggressively on your website home-page. As importantly, this approach allows us to determine what doesn't work on your website, and focus on what does.

To find out more about how we can help, please get in touch.